Taller de Inglés conversación con Ines Puccio
Now is the right time to . . .
Share curious knowledge issues
Revise forgotten grammar
Try new vocabulary
Recycle material
- Revision of tenses
- Regular and Irregular Participles
- Passive all tenses
- Cinema
- Regular and irregular participles
- Modals of deduction: might, can’t, must
- The body
- Live and learn
- 1st Conditional and future time clauses with when, until, etc
- Education- School system
- 2nd Conditional choosing between conditionals
- Houses – At home
- Gerunds and Infinitives
- Work – Different types of jobs
- Reported Speech
- Collocation: verbs/adjective + prepositions
- Phone language.
- Annoying things people do with their phone.
- Bad manners
- ed / ing adjectives
- Sports- sporting superstitions
- Relationships – The way we met
- Cinema. Behind the scene
- The body
Bibliography: English File Intermediate- Multipack B – Fourth Edition. Selected short stories to enjoy and discuss.
Ines Puccio